Membership Portal

Expansion is the unfolding of the soul, like a flower blooming towards the sun.

It's the gentle stretching of the spirit, reaching beyond the familiar into the vast unknown. In a state of expansion, you are like the universe itself—ever-growing, ever-evolving, with no boundaries to hold you back.

It's the embrace of new possibilities, where every breath is a step forward into the limitless potential of being. It's the heart opening wide, allowing love, wisdom, and creativity to flow freely.

Expansion is the dance of growth, where the mind sheds old limitations, and your soul rejoices in the freedom to explore, to create, to become. It's the spark of curiosity, igniting a flame that lights the path to greater understanding and deeper connection with the self and the world.

In this state, you are not just alive—you are awakening, continuously blooming into their most authentic, vibrant self... the truth of who you really are.



We are welcoming you into the world of intentional conscious connected breathing, bringing these daily practices, short courses, podcasts, masterclasses (and so much more) into your daily life.

You are your own healer, and these modified breathwork practices will assist and support you in growing and expanding over the course of a year. We go at your pace, you choose, you decide and you get to experience how the breath can expand YOU and your reality.

You can scroll down to see everything that is included. Experience the power of your own breath, and watch you and your life EXPAND!

The styles of breathwork we include are modified practices of Wild Love Breathwork & Rebirthing Breathwork.

These two styles of breathwork are what we teach and facilitate at the Embodied Breath Academy and feature in our breathwork meditations & short courses.

What is included:

- An ever growing series of short courses (scroll down to read about them).

- A Monthly Podcast

- Your choice of a growing series of daily meditations.

- Podcasts

- DJ Sets

- Access to my music

- Downloadable resources

See below for all the amazing courses! The amount of goodness will continue to expand over time.

Modules Include:

This is an ever EXPANDING program and has SO MUCH GOODNESS inside!

Short Courses Include video content for…

  • A Monthly Podcast or Masterclass

  • 7 Day Breathwork Challenge

  • 7 Days of Wild Love Breathwork

  • Embracing your Inner Child through Breathwork

  • Breathwork for Anxiety

  • Breathwork for Nervous System Regulation

  • Create your Dream Reality - Manifestation & Breathwork

  • Affirmations to change your mind!

And more…

Expand Studio also includes:

  • +15 daily practices

  • Empowerment Portal full of masterclasses & talks

  • Embodiment Portal full of DJ Sets & embodiment practices

  • Meditation Music & Sound Healings

  • PDF resources & downloadable resources

This will be an ever growing bank of experiences and practices for you to EXPAND through breathwork!

INVESTMENT: Once off payment of US$222 for a whole year!



  • If you have never done breathwork before, this is a great place to start.

  • If you have done breathwork before, but you are curious to learn more.

  • If you are a school teacher, yoga teacher, healer, therapist that is interested in breathwork, this could be a great place to start to deepen your understanding and experience of breathwork...

  • If you’re interested in a training with us! The teachings will give you a taste of our methodology plus you’ll get Karina’s vibe… she’s our head teacher for our training programs.

  • Ages: between 15-70+ this can be supportive.

  • If you’re feeling stressed, depressed or anxious, this is for you!

  • If you’re intrigued to bring more breath into your daily practice.

  • If you’re intrigued to see how breathwork can improve your mental, emotional and energetic wellbeing.

  • If you’d like to learn how to regulate your nervous system with breath.

  • If you don’t have time to do this!!!! Do this.

This is not for:

  • People with schizophrenia, new diagnosis & untreated vertigo or people without a diagnosis for a suspected heart condition. Best to get approval from your doctor.

About the Breathwork

What is Rebirthing Breathwork?

Rebirthing Breathwork (soon to be renamed Embodied Breathwork in 2025) is Conscious Connected Breathing through the nose, that is built upon the technique of Breathwork was created by Leonard Orr. It is the breath of love, and the breath of a new born baby, it is a gentle form of breathwork to have you dive deep into your subconscious to move energy by removing tension and stress from the body, and return to LOVE. 

These are skills you learn and will carry with you as a tool for healing for a lifetime!

Rebirthing Breathwork stimulates the parasympathetic nervous response bringing your body into rest, restore & repair. When the mind is still, the body has the liberty to heal itself; in the physical, emotional and energetic bodies.

What is Wild Love Breathwork?

This is a very unique, deeply feminine style of breathwork where you will journey into Divine Love and Orgasmic Energy, while learning to harness and use these energies as healing forces within With the intention of softness, you will drop into the feeling state, tapping into the subtleties of your body, learning to move energy and alchemise what is stuck into flow and movement. 

Through breath, movement & sound, you will come into contact with the felt expression of Love in your body and move energy with intention, so to more deeply sense the experience of your energy moving. Learn to experience love and acceptance for your shadow sides, and learn to give permission for those aspects of yourself to be there.

Transmute feelings of shame, guilt, anger and fear into LOVE through breathing that ignites orgasmic energy. Working with Karina or a qualified practitioner, will assist and support you in actualising self love tools and practices to increase your level of presence and sensitivity, to overcome states of disassociation and self abandonment.

Are you ready to transform your life?

join the program